A new initiative for student involvement in science, technology, engineering, art, and math.
10/18/2015: Participate in our State of STEAM survey!
Sign Up Learn MoreWe're a community that unites student interest across science, technology, engineering, math, and art. Together, our goals promote interclub collaboration and activism in STEAM.
Along with STEM, Art + Design provides a valuable new perspective into creativity. But it's also really important in presenting innovation to the public. By bringing art along, we're able to convey our ideas in more effective ways. Plus, who doesn't want their stuff to look cool?
We hope to showcase club and student activity through general promotions and routine symposiums. Fundraisers and events sponsoring clubs and their goals will also be organized for the wider community. Additionally, guest speakers and student-lead workshops aim to appeal to students of all interests and connect STEAM to real world applications.
Everything culminates in Project STEAM, our own unique take on student research. By launching Stoga's very own student-run startup and innovation team, we're looking to bring students across clubs, skills, and interests the opportunity to tackle open source projects together. Working in teams, we hope to go beyond the classroom and create hands-on experiences leading to actual products. Whether it be through building drones, designing promo posters, or just coming up with the next big thing, STEAM encourages students of all interests and abilities to come together and innovate in ways classes never can.
Think of it as an invitation to do something awesome.
Return Home Continue BelowShowcasing students in events held across the year.
Organizing student-run workshops aimed at providing fun, hands-on learning experiences to students of all interests.
Inviting guest speakers to talk online or in person.
Promoting STEAM with clubs at school and messages to the community through fundraisers, events, and sponsorships.
Starting R&D projects as an interdisciplinary student team.
Got ideas for 2K15-2K16 already? Keep them in mind for our first meeting or send them to stoga.steam@gmail.com.
Think you'll be overcommitted? Don't worry! Membership is open to all and does not require unfailing commitment. Rather, we hope to create an open, flexible forum and student community. STEAM is what you make of it.
Want to get super involved and promote your ideas by running workshops, bringing in guest speakers, or leading sections in Project STEAM? Awesome. Our executive team needs people like you.
Just want to join our community, stay updated, and get benefits such as discount admission to our events and the unique opportunity to be more involved whenever you want? Consider signing up too!
Beyond student programmers, engineers, and scientists, we'll need graphic designers, movie makers, and all kinds of people who just like to learn and think big.
So what are you waiting for? Share us online and register as a student and/or club to get involved.
Besides integrating Art + Design this time around, we're still an interclub and student body effort. Whether it be holding an exhibition, running a workshop, inviting mentors and guest speakers, or leading a subteam in Project STEAM, any and all clubs can make a significant impact and contribute to our success. Registered clubs will also be regularly featured in our effort to promote student involvement in STEAM.
We're first trying to gauge student involvement in STEAM as it stands right now, something we'll need all the help we can get with!
Participate in our State of STEAM 2015-2016 survey!